BELD Receives the award of Merit from APPA

BELD receives the 2023 Award of Merit for our Web/Social Media Communications from the APPA.

  • Award of Merit – Braintree Electric Light Department

Public power electric utilities and utility organizations earned Excellence in Public Power Communications Awards from the American Public Power Association. The awards were presented this week at APPA’s Customer Connections Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

BELD GM, Bill Bottiggi congratulates James Ritchie, BELD Marketing Communications coordinator as he receives the 2023 APPA Excellence in Public Power Communications, Award of Merit.
BELD GM, Bill Bottiggi congratulates James Ritchie, BELD Marketing Communications coordinator as he receives the 2023 APPA Excellence in Public Power Communications, Award of Merit.

The annual awards recognize excellence in communications. The entries are judged in three categories: Print & Digital, Web & Social Media, and Video. Awards were given to those that showed ingenuity and creativity in telling their stories through outstanding copy, design, financial data presentation, graphics, social media engagement, video editing, and web layout and interactivity.

This year’s awards were judged by Jakub Konysz, Founder and CEO, Global Navigators; Steven M. Mandurano, Principal: Marketing, Membership & Communications, Association CMO LLC; and Lidia Varesco Racoma, Brand Strategist & Marketing Designer, Lidia Varesco Design.


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