Cold winter months can mean higher electric bills

BELD’s electric rates are some of the lowest in the state, but you may still see higher than average bills during the cold winter months. That can be frustrating, but knowing what factors influence usage patterns can help you use electricity more efficiently.

Earlier darkness means fewer hours of natural light, so electric lights are on longer.

People tend to take longer, hotter showers during the winter. The cost of heating water increases as the temperature of supply water decreases.

Even small electric space heaters are big users. If it’s practical, use them to add heat to the area where you are, and turn down the temperature in the rest of the house. Always keep space heaters away from flammable materials. 

Regardless of what fuel they use, heating systems require a significant amount of electricity to power burners, circulators and fans—sometimes as much as $20–$40 per month during the heating season.

We eat more hot meals in the winter, which may increase usage of electric kitchen appliances.

Many people use heat tape to prevent water from freezing in pipes or forming ice dams. If you do, remember to unplug or switch off when it’s no longer needed.

Still concerned about your bill?

With BELD’s MyElectric portal you can monitor your usage right down to the hour and compare it with last month’s or even last year’s usage. You can also see when usage spikes to help determine what is causing it. Visit BELD’s Electric Portal to register your account today!

If you want to discuss other ways you can try and save, or learn about current rebates, give our Energy Advisor a call at 781.348.1032.


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