Your rights as a customer

In accordance with Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) regulations, Braintree Electric Light Department (BELD) has developed procedures that provide special protection against electricity shut-off due to overdue electric bills.

Do you think your bill is incorrect?

If you believe your bill is inaccurate, you may appeal to a BELD Complaint Officer at 150 Potter Road, Braintree, MA 02184, or call 781/348-2353 within 30 days from the due date of the bill. You will be informed of the decision within 30 working days of receipt of the complaint. If you dispute the Complaint Officer’s decision, you may appeal to the BELD General Manager. If you dispute the General Manager’s decision, you may appeal to the Braintree Municipal Light Board. That decision may be appealed to the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Energy, Consumer Division, One South Station, Boston, MA 02110, or call 617/305-3531 or toll-free in Massachusetts 800/392-6066.